I would like everyone to know the progress that The United States has been making. Although the "recreational" use of marijuanna is not legal in the United States(yet) for some reason I couldn't even envisage, 14 states have stepped it up by legalizing "medical" marijuanna.(the good shit) This is a list of the states that have legalized medical marijuanna and the years they did it.
Alaska 1998
(cause what else could they
possibly be doing up there?)
California 1996
Colorado 2000
Hawaii 2000
Maine 1999
Michigan 2008
Montana 2004
Nevada 2000
New Jersey 2010
(congrats to jersey who has made quite
the name for themselves in 2010)
New Mexico 2007
Oregon 1998
Rhode Island 2006
Vermont 2004
Washington 1998
The two hesitant states are Arizona and Maryland who are all for medical marijuanna, but did not legalize the use of it. I'm not sure what point Arizona is trying to make, but I'm not getting the message.
toke up people. make your state worth it.
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